For Service Providers, Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Using Content To Generate Leads & Opportunities…


In One Day, You Could Pack Your Calendar With 30 Days Worth Of High Quality Content To Attract Your Dream Clients And Customers…

 👉🏻 Want This Simple Step By Step System That Helps You Create High-Quality “Breakthrough” Content To Stand Out From Your Competitors?👈🏻


Calling all business owners who have better things to do than make content creation their “full time job.”

How to churn out 30 days of unforgettable, quality content in only ONE DAY a month.





This Strategy Made Me a Content Machine

(No Burnout Included)

If I had a predictive machine to be able to tell me which businesses will be here in a year and which businesses will not... 

Then I'm happy to tell you, that machine already exists.  

The businesses that have the ability to create relevant content that turns uninterested leads into diehard clients are the ones that will be able to not only survive, but thrive.

Any business that does not have this system is at risk. 

Creating high-quality, relevant content is time consuming

And can run the risk of completely taking up your most valuable asset. Time. 

Which is exactly why I created the “Get It Done Day” strategy. 

To turn you into a “content machine” and gives you everything you need to create 30 days of content…

In a single day!


How I Invented This System... 

I built my entire business on organic content to generate clients.

Content LASTS. Ad are FAST.

If you want a business that lasts longer than three months, you need to be creating valuable, evergreen content that continually attracts and engages your audience.

Most people online claiming to be content experts are peddling recycled strategies and empty promises, pretending to know the game when they’ve never even played it. 

They’ll sell you the dream but deliver nothing but fluff.

I’ve run a successful content agency, managed channels for numerous clients, and produced hundreds of pieces of content each month. 

My knowledge isn’t theoretical; it’s built on years of real-world experience and proven success. I’ve been in the trenches, tested every method, and refined a system that works. 

If you want results, stop listening to amateurs and start taking action with a strategy that’s backed by real, tangible outcomes.

I'd like to make it available to you for

ONLY $8!



Here’s What You’re Going To Get:

1. Get It Done Day Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

This is the backbone of our system—a comprehensive, detailed guide that outlines the step-by-step process we use to plan and execute a full month's worth of content in just one day, including our S.C.H.E.D.U.L.E method. From brainstorming to batching content, this SOP has you covered.

2. Get It Done Day Checklist

Ensure every piece of content is primed for engagement and conversion. This checklist acts as your quality control, making sure nothing gets published without meeting all your criteria for success.

3. Exclusive Recording Of A LIVE "Get It Done Day"

Get access to a recording from a LIVE "Get It Done Day." This is a behind the scenes look from inside of our membership where we collaborate with our clients on their strategy each month. This provides a real-world demonstration of some of the ideation, brainstorming, and strategies that come up during our Get It Done Days that you can apply directly to your workflow.






Bonus #1

Attention Hijacking Micro Hooks

I put together a list of my favorite, best converting, highest retention disruptive micro hooks. This is your blueprint to bingeable content. Insert these phrases and words as strategically placed engagement triggers in your videos to keep retention. And you don't even have to think of them yourself, I’m just gonna give them to you!


Bonus #2

How To Turn Your Content Into Cash Masterclass

(because you can't deposit likes and subscribers into your bank account)

This masterclass is designed to teach you not just to attract viewers and followers, but to convert their attention into tangible, bankable profits. Stop letting potential revenue slip through your fingers, and start building a content strategy that pays.




is designed for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to:

  • Maximize the ROI on time spent creating content.
  • Develop a sustainable content strategy that prevents burnout.
  • Attract more clients and build a loyal audience through effective content marketing.



Sure you could try other time-saving content creation methods...

Here are a few options:

Hire a content team that costs $10k per month… 

Fire up Chat GPT to do your dirty work for free… (and have your content reek like an AI cornball)

Carve out 70% of your day to make the content yourself (every day)


You could invest in this revolutionary new strategy so you can “GET IT DONE”, and walk away with an A-List level strategy and game plan to not only produce a month’s worth of content, but content that’s so good, it will capture the attention of your ideal customers.



Spend $8 on a Fancy Coffee or Change Your Content Game Forever?

(Your call...)




About The Creator




I create viral content campaigns for a living. 

My client roster includes A-listers from all over the world. 

My content has won awards and has reached millions of people.

But when I first started trying to get famous on YouTube, I fell into the same common pitfalls.

I’ve been burned out from content production more times than you can imagine.

I jumped into the deep end of content creation. I was surrounded by people who championed the "publish your face off" philosophy, and I was all in.

But, oh, how I underestimated the toll it would take.

There I was, churning out videos, each time hoping, "This has to be the one that brings results."

Exhaustion set in, and I found myself questioning, "Why is this so relentlessly tough?" The grind of content creation was wearing me down, fast.

I needed a strategy that allowed me to create impactful content without it consuming my entire day. 



That's Why I Created The Get It Done Day...

How to know if you’re a perfect match for GET IT DONE DAY

  • 👉 You’re not new to creating content… but you might be new to getting your content to actually result in sales!
  • 👉 Try as you might, you can’t crack the pesky algorithm and get more than 8 views on content that you slaved over for hours.
  • 👉 You spend hours each week making content to the point where you’d rather just burn it all down.
  • 👉 ​You feel like a talking head with no cohesive message.
  • ​👉 You wish there was a way to spend LESS time making BETTER, BINGEWORTHY content.
  • ​👉 You want to serve you clients at the highest level possible and produce value-based content that knocks the socks off your current audience, plus bring in new leads and clients like a bee to nectar.
  • ​👉 You want to feel proud of the brand you’re putting out there online.


I'm so sure the GET IT DONE DAY system will help your brand, free up your time, and make content people love, that I offer the JAXX Promise.

If you're not happy within 7 days, I'm not either. If making good content isn't for you now, just email me in the first week after buying. I'll give you all your money back, no hassle.




What if I’ve never made content before? Will this still help me?

Yup! This system is designed for all skill levels. Whether you're a complete beginner or have some experience with content creation, our step-by-step guide and comprehensive resources will help you create high-quality, effective content with ease. 

I give you the process, a checklist, and a recording of one of our previous "Get It Done Day"s so you can watch and follow along on your own time. If you're interested in joining us for Get It Done Day live each month, where I give you full script templates and workshop content with people in real time, check out Chief Content Officer here

Why is this only $8???

We want to make our content creation system accessible to as many people as possible. By pricing it at $8, we aim to remove any financial barriers so that you can experience the benefits of our system and transform your content strategy without a significant investment.

I don’t think I have time for this??

The whole point of the "Get It Done Day" system is to save you time. By dedicating just one day to following our SOP and checklist, you'll create an entire month's worth of content. This not only frees up your schedule for the rest of the month but also ensures that your content is well-planned and effective.

Do you offer refunds?

If you're not happy within 7 days, I'm not either. If making good content isn't for you now, just email me in the first week after buying. I'll give you all your money back, no hassle.

I have more questions, how can I get in touch?

If you have any questions about access or need help just send a message to Team Jaxx! 



This $8 Content System Makes

Content Planning Effortless


At this point it comes down to this:

There is NO GREATER time waste than making content that doesn’t convert. 

The businesses that have the ability to create relevant content that turns uninterested leads into diehard clients are the ones that will be able to not only survive, but thrive.

Any business that does not have this system is at risk.

So my friend, what’s it gonna be?

Content hamster wheel?


spend $8 and GET IT DONE IN A DAY using my award winning frameworks designed to turn your content into a lead and sales machine.

In 6 months which one will you wish you’d have chosen TODAY?


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